Copenhagen Sparkling Tea

Today, it is sold in over 50 countries and served at more than 100 Michelin restaurants worldwide.
The Sparkling Tea category, which originated in 2010, was created by award-winning sommelier Jacob Kocemba during his time at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was there that he discovered the many possibilities that tea offered when he couldn’t find a matching wine for a dessert (despite having access to the restaurant’s cellar of more than 1,700 wines). Instead, he found a solution in a homemade tea extract, which consisted of a blend of different exclusive teas. The new drink became a great success and a favourite amongst the guests of the restaurant. Since then, through hundreds of trials and Jacob’s unique ability to combine flavours – he has developed exquisite flavour combinations that form the basis for the different versions of Sparkling Tea.
To realise his dream of making Sparkling Tea a new global beverage category, Jacob partnered with Bo Sten Hansen in 2017. Bo has many years of experience in business development and has always had a great passion for gastronomy. Together, they founded the Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company, and on the 26th of May 2017 the first bottle was sold in Copenhagen. Since then, it has grown rapidly and is now sold in over 50 countries and served at more than 100 Michelin restaurants worldwide.