
Since the 19th century, Dow’s Vintage Ports have been landmark wines in virtually every great year, and have consistently set the standard amongst all Port houses.

Throughout the 20th Century and into the 21st, the Symington family has built on the legacy of the preceding Silva and Dow families. Dow’s 2007 Vintage Port was the first Vintage Port to receive 100 points from the Wine Spectator in the 21st Century.

Dow’s 2007 Vintage Port was the first Vintage Port to receive 100 points from Wine Spectator, and Dow’s 2011 was named Wine Spectator’s No. 1 Wine of the Year in 2014

Since 1798, the name Dow’s has been associated with the finest Ports from the Douro valley. Dow’s Ports are made at two of the most famous Quintas in the Douro: Quinta do Bomfim and quinta da Senhora da Ribeira, together with the private family-owned Quintas of Santinho, Fonte Branca and Cerdeira. The winery at Senhora da Ribeira has been extensively restored, three innovative robotic lagares have been installed, and Vintage Port is made there in ‘non-declared’ years and released en primeur.


Quinta do Bomfim Visitors Centre

Inaugurated by Portugal’s Prime Minister in May 2015, the Symington family’s Quinta do Bomfim lagar winery and visitor centre has quickly become one of the most popular visitor attractions in the Douro valley. During the harvest, visitors are able to see how Port is made from a specially built viewing platform, and after the harvest visitors can still see this process by watching a short film that is screened inside the winery.  Tastings are also available in a room with spectacular 180˚ views of the valley, as well as on a shaded terrace overlooking the river. Visitors may also walk through the vineyards, opting for either a short 20-minute tour or two longer walks and a picnic at the Casa dos Ecos.

Dow's Port

Dow's Port Brochure
Dow's Port Brochure | pdf