b'S E C T I O N H E A D E RBut the Torres and Earth programme isIn an alternative programme, Familia Torres not only about reducing carbon emissions, ithave invested in recovering ancestral varieties is also about finding new ways of adaptingthat can be better adapted to new climates. to a changing climate. The family want thePioneering in their field, Torres have been the industry to cope better with the future changingforerunners in rediscovering long forgotten weather conditions. They have researched andgrape varieties. Posting an article in the 1980s, implemented techniques such as delaying theTorres called for any viticulturalists to send ripening of the grape which makes the vineyardscuttings of any vines they did not recognise. It more resistant to drought and temperatureis a long process to re-establish the vine. First increases. The family are also looking at newthe process takes a lot of testing and cleaning locations to plant vines that are higher in altitudeup the varieties and then, it is not until five years where the weather is cooler.later that the vine can be planted and cultivated. Recovering Forgotten Varieties1. Cordillera Carginan3. The La Causa collection The Vigno wines are a collaborative projectThe La Causa collection is the rediscovery of between producers in the Maule Valley using theindigenous varietals found in the Itata valley concept of dry farming, which has allowed forover five hundred years ago: Cinsault, Pais and the rescue of some of the oldest carignan vinesMoscatel. in the world, many of them dating back more than 80 years. This variety is undoubtedly one of1. 2. 3.Chiles greatest treasures.2. ForcadaForcada is an ancestral white variety that was found in the north-western part of DO Peneds, in the foothills of the Roco Forcada Mountain. The variety is surprising for its aromatic intensity and freshness. Herbaceous notes bring to mind the Mediterranean forest, whereas echoes of iris and palate-seducing citrus hints are anchored in a backbone of bright, tangy acidity that carries the structure and essence of the variety.24 Communiqu Autumn/Winter 2019/20'