How we are responding to the impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus – A message from Steve Moody, Managing Director, John E Fells & Sons Ltd.

Fells takes the current Corona virus outbreak very seriously and is therefore acting in accordance with the World Health Organisation’s recommendations and the guidelines published by government, both of which are aimed at restricting social interaction in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Our clear priority at the present time is the health and wellbeing of our employees and their families, together with those of our customers, partners and the wider public.

As such, we have implemented a series of on-site measures to reduce the risk of transmission. The vast majority of our staff will therefore be working from home until otherwise advised, and admission to the office will be severely restricted.

Please note: In response to the current situation we have put measures in place so that all of our staff have ‘remote access’ to our systems are therefore still able to process all orders – so please continue to place your orders in the usual way.

Please also speak to your sales manager, or usual contacts within Fells if you have any queries that need answering.

I believe the actions we’ve taken are the right ones and that they will contribute to a slower spread of the virus as well as a swifter return to normal life.

If, and when, the situation changes we will update this page.

Thank you for your understanding in the meantime.


Steve Moody

Managing Director, Fells